Ford Fiesta MK7 Instrument Cluster Repair .
Common Faults .
We Offer a repair service for Ford Fiesta MK7 Instrument Clusters. Some of the common problems often encountered with the Ford Fiesta MK7 Speedometer are listed below.
• Warning LEDs flicker on/off
• LCD Display NOT Working
• Innacurate FUEL/TEMP Reading
•Needles/Guages NOT Working
• Intermittent power failure
Below is a Picture of the Ford Fiesta MK7 Instrument Cluster, these speedometers are usually found in ford focus cars made from 2008-2017.
We Offer Repair Services for other Ford Speedometers Please CLick Here

Your cluster will not lose any mileage or immobiliser data once we have repaired it and you will not need to re-code the unit once you get it back from us
What Causes These Issues ?
These problems are usually caused from faulty components or intermittently failing components
Can we Repair these Faults ?
Yes in most cases we can repair these problems. Our prices start from £194.99. If you would like a repair carried out you can either:
- Click the “Repair Form” button at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions
- Give us a call 07530 058 651
- Drop us an E-Mail
We also offer a postal service if you are not in our area. We aim to carry out all repairs within 2 working days and all units are returned via courier or Royal Mail recorded delivery.
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If your Faulty Speedometer is unrepairable then we will only charge a £39.99 Testing Fee
Warranty .
We offer a 24 Month Warranty on all of our repair services. All repairs are carried out to the highest standards, and all of our repair components are the best quality available and tested by ourselves fully.